Raise the Roof campaign

The Board of Trustees of Congregation Mishkan Israel is thrilled to share some exciting news about our Raise the Roof campaign. As many of you are aware, the time has come to replace the roof of our extraordinary mid-century model jewelbox of a building, and we are embarking on a campaign to raise funds to restore it to its former glory. To this end, we are thrilled to announce that we have received a $200K preservation grant from the National Fund for Sacred Places toward the restoration of the roof of our beautiful building. 

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sarah legassey


We are together today to celebrate both Yom Kippur and Shabbat …a double mitzvah. It is a pleasure to see so many faces, old and new, all joined in celebration, and to know that we are providing livestream access for those unable to come to our sacred home.

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sarah legassey
A Message From Rabbi Daniel Schaefer

I am thrilled to return home to Connecticut and become the rabbi at Mishkan Israel this summer. Over the last few months, I’ve been spending more time in Greater New Haven, searching for a house and preparing for the move. With each visit, different memories return - of meals enjoyed with friends, basketball games played, and trips into nature. 

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sarah legassey
Welcoming Rabbi Daniel Schaefer

We are delighted and excited to welcome Rabbi Daniel Schaefer to CMI.  Throughout the summer and into the fall, there will be  many opportunities for each and every one of you to get to know Rabbi Schaefer and to welcome him into our congregational family. 

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sarah legassey
Welcome, Rabbi Daniel Schaefer

​​​​​​​On behalf of the Board of Trustees of Congregation Mishkan IsraeI, I am delighted to share with you that Rabbi Daniel Schaefer has accepted our offer to be the next spiritual leader of CMI starting July 1.

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Dana Astmann